Angela Marie MacDougall

About Angela

Speaking + Events

Training + Consulting

Battered Women’s Support Services

Intersectional Feminist Justice Research and Organizing Collective

Feb 14 Women’s Memorial March

Feminists Deliver

And Still We Rise Podcast


IFJROC placeholder

Angela is founding member of Intersectional Feminist Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative that brings together researchers, academics, data and policy analysts, students and community organizers to provide critical research, data, policy and strategic support for the ending violence, gender equity and social justice movements.

IFJROC builds on the long tradition of movement-driven, community-derived research and uses an explicit decolonial, anti-oppression, and racial justice lens.

The IFJROC provides critical data, research, and policy analytics to grassroots and community-based organizing campaigns.


Intersectional Feminist Justice Research Organizing Collaborative

IFJROC provides critical data, research, and policy analytics to grassroots and community-based organizing campaigns.

IFJROC aims to democratize data, research, and policy, maximize the synergy between research and community organizing, magnifying the voices of grassroots Indigenous, Black and communities of colour including Migrant, Refugee, and Immigrant communities, and advancing the capacity of organizing efforts to design solutions, make demands, and sustain policy wins for gender equity and ending gender-based violence through:

Comprehensive research
Rapid response data and analysis
Program and systems evaluations
Policy analysis